Teaching Artist

My teaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that the arts hold transformative power, both as diverse disciplines in their own right and as tools for teaching other content areas. 

Teaching playwriting to high schoolers in Washington, DC with Young Playwrights' Theater

Research shows that engagement with the arts enhances cognitive development, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, and it fosters positive outcomes for learners across a range of settings. Whether used to deepen understanding of historical events, explore social justice themes, or encourage self-expression, the arts offer a unique pathway to growth and understanding.

Conducting Body Language Training with Police Officers in Buffalo, NY

With over 15 years of experience as a teaching artist, I have witnessed firsthand how integrating oratory, drama, and creative writing into educational spaces elevates students’ learning experiences. My approach is grounded in inclusivity and accessibility, providing multiple points of entry to learners from diverse cultural, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Running a Summer Youth Program in Washington, DC

I design and implement interactive learning experiences to help individuals of all ages and backgrounds explore acting, playwriting, body language, cultural competence, teambuilding, historical arts movements, and social justice. Each experience is tailored to the learners’ needs and interests, deepening the possibility for impact.

Teaching Artist Gallery



Acting for the Stage

Learn to convey emotions, create memorable characters, and bring scripts to life on the theatrical stage.

Acting: The History of Hip-Hop

Unlock the power of acting through the exploration of Hip-Hop history, brought to life through its dynamic stories and key players.

Acting: Women in the Civil War

Step into the shoes of unsung heroines in this engaging workshop that explores the roles and stories of women during the Civil War.

Acting: Social Justice

Explore the intersection of theatre and activism, and discover how performance can drive conversations and promote social equity.

Playwriting: The Harlem Renaissance

Learn to create captivating narratives inspired by the incredible figures and events of Harlem, NY in the 1920's.

Playwriting: The Black Arts Movement

Discover your writing voice through the lens of the Black Arts Movement (1965-1975)

Playwriting: Remixing Classical Portraits

Take inspiration from the work of groundbreaking artist Kihende Wiley to reimagine contemporary figures into classical surroundings.

Playwriting: Exploring Women Playwrights in the American Canon

Use the works of women in the American canon as mentor texts for your own writing.

Contact Me

Complete this contact form to request a workshop, or email me directly at thembiduncan@gmail.com.