It’s time to create learning experiences!
You’ve aced the Information Literacy Toolkit, and now you’re ready to use your tools to create dynamic, exciting learning experiences for your child!
On this page, you will learn strategies for shaping information into a cohesive narrative that grabs your child’s attention, expands their imagination, and deepens their learning. An extra benefit of this process is that you’ll reinforce your own learning by creating visual artifacts to combine into a cohesive experience that your child will enjoy.
Using Multimedia Tools
What are multimedia tools?
Multimedia tools are resources that you can use to combine media (images, words, audio, and video) into a narrative structure that educates, entertains, or otherwise provides information.
Many multimedia tools are available on the Internet for free, but tools with more functions and options often have a cost.
Multimedia Tools Playlist
The five videos below will get you on the road to creating amazing multimedia learning experiences for your child. They include tutorials for Canva, Google Slides, and PowerPoint. There are also videos on how to use digital tools in teaching and how to create a virtual field trip. Watch this playlist, take notes, and then scroll down to check your knowledge.
Multimedia Tools
Check Your Knowledge
First, read the front of each card below, and write down your answer.
Then, hover other each card to see if you were correct!
True or False?
True or False?
True or False?
True or False?
How did you do? Don’t worry if the information isn’t “sticking” yet. Learning is not a linear process, so feel free to go back and review the Information Literacy playlist and take check your knowledge again.
Resources on working with Multimedia
Use this checklist to practice information literacy.
Use these links to learn more about information literacy.
Performance Aids Blog by Karen Caldwell, Ph.D. from itchy brain: Hyperlink to Performance Aids Blog by Karen Caldwell, Ph.D.
Infographic Jenae Cohn
16 multimedia toosl for classroomhttps://www.eschoolnews.com/featured/2020/01/15/16-multimedia-learning-tools-for-the-classroom/

Multimedia Quiz
Now that you’ve explored different types of resources, it’s time to show your knowledge. Take the quiz below to confirm that you are Information Literate!
Types of Content Curation
What is a Virtual Field Trip?
A virtual field trip is a digital experience that lets you explore places or events through technology, like videos and interactive content, without being physically present.
Many cultural institutions around the world offer online tours of their facilities and digitized images of their collections or productions. There are so many ways to use these materials as part of a virtual field trip that makes learners feel as if they are visiting the site in real life!
Why are Virtual Field Trips Important?
Virtual field trips enrich learning experiences by expanding learners’ access to locations, sites, and institutions that may otherwise be impossible for the learner to visit in person.
Why learn to create a Virtual Field Trip?
Creating a virtual field trip offers you the opportunity to travel the world, visit the depths of the ocean, or blast off to outer space, all in one day. A virtual field trip is a one-of-a-kind learning experience based on a person, place, or idea.
Who can go on a Virtual Field Trip?
Virtual Field Trips are for anyone who wants to teach, learn, or explore! All you need is access to the Internet and a little coaching, which you’ll find below.
Association of College and Research Libraries (2016, January 11). Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. American Library Association. https://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/content/issues/infolit/framework1.pdf
Center for Strategic & International Studies. (2022, July 18). The Digital Learning Imperative. https://www.csis.org/analysis/digital-literacy-imperative
Hobbs, R. (2017). Create to learn: Introduction to digital literacy. Wiley Blackwell. (Available in SUNY Potsdam Library)
Pangrazio, L., Godhe, A. L., & González López Ledesma, A. (2020). What is digital literacy? A comparative review of publications across three language contexts. Sage, 17(6), 442-459. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2042753020946291
Western Michigan University (2023, April 6). Integrating Library Resources into Elearning. Western Michigan University Libraries. https://libguides.wmich.edu/c.php?g=1010992&p=7324428
Combes, B. (2016). Information literacy. [Infographic].

How did you do? Don’t worry if the information isn’t “sticking” yet. Learning is not a linear process, so feel free to go back and review the Information Literacy playlist and take check your knowledge again. You can also reach out through the contact form below and ask me any questions you have.
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Moving Forward
If you feel good about your Information Literacy, click the button on the RIGHT to more on and begin creating learning experiences for your child. If you’d like to check back in with the learning menu, click the button on the LEFT.